Sunday, 18 October 2015


We as citizens of Canada need to put a STOP to Stephen Harper.  How do we do that by voting for Justin Trudeau, Liberals.  In my books Stephen Harper is as close to the Anti Christ as you can get.  He has ruined this country and is making damn sure that Canadians DO NOT have a say in anything.  He thinks that he is the only that should make all the decisions and decide what is good and not good for this country and damn the people. Harper has NO intention of listening to Canadians, helping the poor, making things better for our children's education, take action to fight climate change and making this country our Home and Native Land. 
Harper is continually ruining this country and what it stands for.  He is narcissistic, devious, manipulative, has schizophrenic tendencies and has delusions of grandeur.  
Harper was sworn in as Canada's 22nd prime minister in February 2006 and ever since then our country has been going down hill.  Below is a list of what Harper has done to this country.  The list is not long as it would have taken me too long to write everything that Stephen Harper has done to ruin Canada

- On March 25th, 2011, the Harper administration was found in contempt of Canadian parliament. In Spring of 2011, a federal court found that Harper's Conservatives wilfully violated the $ 18.3 million election spending limit, during the campaign which originally brought them to power in 2006.  
- Harper has cut funding for women's advocacy by 43 percent, shutdown 12 out of 16 Status of Women offices in Canada and eliminated funding of legal voices for women and minority groups.  
- In 2010, public servants from various departments confirmed that Stephen Harper has renamed  'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Government'.  Traditionally, the lobby in parliament has been decorated with photos of former Prime Ministers.  Since taking office, Stephen Harper has broken this tradition, decorating the lobby with just himself.   
- The Kelowna accord was a $5 billion breakthrough agreement to improve the quality of health and education for Canada's First Nation's People.  Harper cancelled it in 2006, immediately after taking office. 
- In 2008, Linda Keen, President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, reported that the aging Chalk River nuclear facility was at a risk 1000 times greater than the international average. Harper quickly fired her. 
- Since taking office, Stephen Harper has weakened regulations so that more pesticide residues can be left on your fruits and vegetables. The plan is to bring Canadian regulations in line with U.S. Levels, which can be up to 100 times higher. Under additional new regulations, corporate food producers will be allowed to conduct their own safety inspections.  In 2008, when Luc Pomerleau, a biologist at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with a flawless 20 year record with the agency, leaked these plans, he was immediately fired.  Since then, the listeriosis meat outbreak killed 17 Canadians.
- The Harper Conservatives want to buy 65 stealth fighter jets using $29 billion of taxpayers' money.  That works out to around $ 1000 per person in Canada.
- The Conservatives have vowed to implement unprecedented levels of monitoring on Canadians internet activities.  Harper has tried and failed (4 times) to create a law that would implement mass scale internet surveillance, and that would allow the government access to private information without any warrants, and without any court oversight.
- Sabotaging efforts to deal with climate change.
- Harper tried to quietly eliminate the Canadian long form census.
- Stephen Harper  has shut down Canadian aid to the world's most impoverished countries.
- Harper's economic 'recovery' favoured the extremely wealthy.  Over 321,000 Canadians lost their jobs in 2008 and Canadians average wages fell.  Meanwhile Canada's 100 wealthiest persons became richer, reaching an average net worth of $1.7 billion each, up almost 5 percent from 2008.
- In 2007, Harper cut $1.2 billion from the establishment of national childcare, but failed to keep his promise of cutting the $1.4 billion in tax breaks he gives to companies, which continue to see record profits.
- in the 2011 budget, the Harper government failed to allocate any new funding for drinking water on First Nations reserves.  100 First Nations communities currently have water advisories, including 40 communities which are high risk.  He also refuses to sign the UN declaration designating clean water as a human right.

...And these are just a few (of the very many more reasons) reasons of why Stephen Harper should not be Prime Minister

Ask yourself is this who I want to continue running our country? We need to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!  We need a Prime Minister that will make Canada what it should be. We need a Prime Minister that will listen to the people and is for the people.  We need a Prime Minister that truly cares about this country.  We need a Prime Minister that knows what the heck their doing.  I believe Justin Trudeau is more than ready to be Prime Minister of Canada. Let's put Harper out once and for all...VOTE LIBERAL FOR A GOVERNMENT TO FINALLY CARE FOR OUR COUNTRY AND ALL THAT IT STANDS FOR!

Below is a site that might prove interesting into making sure Stephen Harper is voted out.

This is Li,with my two cents worth!

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