Friday, 27 February 2015

Our Venal Prime Minister

"Loyalty to country ALWAYS.  Loyalty to
government, when it deserves it."
- Mark Twain

It is time for the people of Canada to elect not only a new Prime Minister, but a Prime Minister that actually cares about the people and is for the people.  Harper and his Conservative band of posses
 have done so much damage to this country.  Stephen Harper doesn't care about the people of Canada nor does he care ANYTHING about this country.
We need to look at a new Prime Minister.  Someone new and fresh. Someone that actually is for and cares about this country.  If things don't turn around and we keep Harper as a Prime Minister, Canada will fall.

In the last federal election I was working as a DRO (Deputy Returning Officer).  We had some people come up to me and the Returning Officer, saying that they had received calls to go to another voting station. If they had not gone to their neighbors to find out what was going on they might not have been on time to vote. We had others come and tell us that they had gone to another polling station (after they received one of those calls), only to arrive there and not be able to vote because there is no building. I phoned the office to let them know what happened .  They said they'd check into it and get back to us, but they never did.  After the voting was over we found out that what happened was what is now referred to as "robocalls".  The conservative were phoning people up and telling them to go to other places to vote.  Places where you couldn't vote because there were no building or polling stations there.  I truly believe that the liberals should have won and that the election should have been called.

We need a new and fresh Prime Minister!  One that cares about Canadians and will take a medicare approach to fighting climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.  A Prime Minister that will care about our children schooling, and our economics.
Harper has all but destroyed Canada.  It's time for the people of Canada to take charge and vote for someone that will make this country one to be proud of.  We can NO LONGER sit back and watch Harper destroy it.  Stephen Harper is NOT Prime Minister material.  He is a crook, a thief and one that doesn't care about this country or our children and their future.  This is no longer an opinion this is a fact.  If we keep Harper on as a Prime Minister our children and our children's children will not have much left, if anything. I have seen children in high school that can barely read because there has been so many cutbacks in the education system.  Do you honestly think Harper cares if your child can read or write or anything about the education system?  I grew up in the 60's and 70's and I can remember being able to read and write in grade school.  If we as Canadians do not do something to change things, then NOTHING will change. This is suppose to be our home.  I believe it is time that as true Canadians that we fight back for our country...Our Home!

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he 
lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."
- Abraham Lincoln

Since Harper has been Prime Minister, can we still honestly call this a parliamentary democracy?  Democracy by definition means the government by the people. That means that all the people should be able to have their say in one way or another in everything that affects our lives. I find that since Harper has been Prime Minister this country has been more of a Dictatorship. Harper and his conservative party should respect human rights and the rule of law.  Harper is a power hungry thug who cares absolutely NOTHING for the citizens of Canada.
Lets take back our country and vote for a Prime Minister that cares for Canada and it's citizens.  
I have seen my share of Prime Ministers come and go.  And I have to say, of all the Prime Ministers that have been in power Stephen Harper is by far the scariest.  I don't know about you, but I don't want someone to run a country that scares me. Don't get me wrong I am not afraid of him, but I am afraid of what he can and is doing to this country, the citizens and to the future of Canada.

We are still lucky for we can still vote for who we want (as long as robocalls are not put in) , so It is time to vote in this coming election for a Prime Minister that will care.  We would be very sad and angry indeed if we would have our voting privileges taken away...and keeping Harper in office it could surely happen. You have the power in this coming election to vote and make a difference...a difference in saving this country and making a better future for our children and theirs. Obviously my vote is definitely NOT going for the Conservative Harper Government, but it is going for Justin Trudeau, the Liberals. Why?  There are many reasons why?  The main reason being (after I researched and weighed out all the pros and cons) that he will make this country what it should be, what it was once and what it will be again. Not to mention that the citizens of this country and our children will have a future and a country that they can be proud of...that they can call Canada!

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, 
have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, 
and form a new one that suits them better.  This is a most valuable - 
a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."
- Abraham Lincoln

This is Li and this is my two cents worth!

Below are websites you can check out on both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau.


  1. I agree, worrisome times- does our vote really matter? Election tampering, still the vote stood! Reminds me of the Ontario election, Harriss second term: polling irregularities, next day no one bats an eye!
    Harris is like the invisible man, his main work done behind closed doors...bulk of the people who voted for him and his party having a harder time making ends meet, meanwhile banks, insurance companies & multinational corporations posting record profits.
    Harris seems adept at fading into the background, deflecting negative press and blowback from scandal.
    Keep on writing, Li! We as Canadians need to become more aware and involved in the process that determines how we live.

  2. Sorry, meant Harper! (Actually, those two kinda look similiar~ Lol!)

    1. Thank you Samhain for your comment. I'm glad when I see Canadians who care enough to speak their piece.
      Don't worry about the Harper/Harris faux pas. LOL! It's an easy mistake to overlook. Like you said they are similar. LOL!

