Wednesday, 12 December 2018

We Need To Take "A Stand"!

 I use to think that compared to some other countries we were lucky to be living in Canada. I guess in some instances we are still lucky but the stats are going down mighty fast on how lucky we are to be Canadians. Canada is no longer the country it once was.  People are colder.  It's all about Me! Me! Me!  I look at kids today who answer their parents back, swear and have no respect for anyone.  In stores, It use to be that the customer was always right!  Well, not anymore! Today, a lot of them treat the customers like crap. I'm not saying that the salesperson has to kiss the customers feet but respect goes a long way.  How about Airline Flight Attendance?  I think they are one of the worst.  I don't know how many stories I have heard about stewardesses/stewards kicking people off the plane because they looked at them sideways or treated them like second rate citizens.  The morals and values we use to have and teach our children are all but out the window.  Corruption is up, mental health issues, drug and alcohol addiction all seem to be moving up and not down.  What is wrong with this picture?  With everything we know and have information on about drugs, mental and physical health, etc. you'd think that we would be getting better not worse.  What is it going to take to get this county, this world back to some kind of normality?  Just like our environment (which is so fragile), our country is being destroyed by the day. So, I ask you again, what is it going to take?  In the past when things in a country were really going to hell in a handbasket, "REVOLUTIONS" were the answer.  Is that the answer here?  Is this the road we will have to take?  Our Government doesn't seem to hear or listen to what we have to say.  We eventually will have to take  "A STAND"!
Pharmaceutical companies and other big umbrella and subsidiary companies have so much money and power that they have done unspeakable things to our world.  Just Google Pharmaceutical Corruption for starters.  You will find so many stories on what they have done to the people in third world countries, the layman and  the list goes on and on.  And of course the corruption doesn't stop there.  Oh! No!  It continues, and I'm sure you have a good idea who?  If you guessed the Politicians....Ding! Ding! Ding!  You are so right! I'm sure it wasn't hard to figure out.  I've always been a good judge of character and have had good instincts when it comes to people but I really messed up big time when I voted for Justin Trudeau.  I really believed he was going to do a lot of good for this country.  Instead he has made things so much worse. Things have changed so much in this country.  It no longer feels like a free country and it hasn't been for a long time now.  I guess that's just the way "The Powers That Be"  on this earth want it. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!  Eventually something has got to give though.
Trudeau has let I don't know how many immigrants into this country.  He has allowed them me in because he wants to do something good for his own political ambition. Before I go any further I want to say that to me a Canadian Citizen is a Canadian.  I don't care what race, color  or creed you are. What bothers me and what I care about is that Justin Trudeau will allow immigrants to enter this country and give them financial support, food, shelter and the list goes on before his own people.  How about HELPING the Canadians already in this country.  The Canadian Citizens that actual need help.  You are helping others before you help people in your own backyard.  There are many starving homeless Canadians needing help and a place to call home.  Where are you for your people Justin Trudeau?  The newcomers get lodging first and  quite the sum of money before the Citizens of this country. How is that helping our economy?  How about Seniors?  The ones that were raised in this country. Don't they deserve more medical coverage?  They've paid more than their share of taxes.  
Karma is Justice! And one day we will  all have to answer to someone a lot bigger than anyone on this earth.  How are you going to explain all the wrong you've done to this country and Its people?  Shame on you for not helping your own people Justin Trudeau and Party!

This is Li, with my two cents worth!

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