Thursday, 16 August 2012

Aliens - The Truth Is Here

   Why is it so hard to believe in Aliens ? I think we would be very ignorant to think that we are the only ones in this Whole Wide Universe.  

   I'm a pretty normal person (whatever normal means these days) though I do have my quirks (like anybody else).  I do have some unusual characteristics, but I think that's what makes me unique.  I just wanted you to know this about me so you would know that this is a part of who I am.  I have my beliefs just like everyone else.  Part of my beliefs is believing in Extra Terrestrials, UFOs and the Paranormal.  I also believe in God & angels.  With that said I will continue my writings on E.T.

   I have always been interested in the sky, stars, planets, ufos, aliens...well you get the picture.  I've seen more than my share of UFOs and unusual objects in the sky.  I've had my own experiences, I've read on, and done research on ufos, aliens, and government cover ups.  I have to say that without a shadow of a doubt I believe that the government, military, and certain powerful organizations have been keeping things from us...from makng deals with Aliens to hiding them.  I know some of you are probably saying things like "What medication is she on", or "She's a little out there".  There will also be those of you who agree with what I am writing.  Whatever the case is, you are still reading because your curiosity and interest got the better of you.  

   There have been and are many reputable people who have been abducted by aliens, worked with the Government and/or military and have come forward about what they are covering up.  There have even been astronauts and CIA agents that have come forward with revelations about UFO and Alien conspiracy.  All these people that have come forward have either seen first hand what's been going on, or they had documented proof.  The Government and military would like nothing better then for everyone to think that these people that have come forward are all nut jobs, as-a-matter-of-fact they are counting on it.  It is time that humans start waking up and really listen to what these people (that have come forward about UFOs and aliens) have to say.  I can assure you that for those of you that are laughing about this today will regret it tomorrow.  

   Wake up people and smell the cappuccino!  Keep your minds open and listen to what Mr. William Cooper (below) has to say. I also included a video called "If You Don't Believe Watch This - Recent Mass UFO Sightings 2011".   After you have read my post and watched the videos I leave it up to you to see the truth or to live a lie.  If you want the truth, watch other videos, do your own research, talk to others that have been there, and I guarantee you will know the truth..."Seek and Ye Shall find."   The Government has hidden so much from us.  The Government doesn't own us. This is suppose to be a free country and yet the Government seems to dictate what we are allowed to know and what we are allowed to do.  If we do not do something about it now, what will it be like for our children and our children's children. What is even scarier is, If you don't do something about it now it maybe too late to do anything about it later. The buck is got to stop somewhere. We have the right to know the truth!

   Well my dears that's about all for now.  Feel free to send me any questions or comments.  This is Michiko with my two cents worth.



  1. Hi Michiko! I really enjoy your blogs. I like your style of writing and how you poke fun at yourself. Not to mention the informative facts that you provide. We are definitly not alone.

    1. Konnichiwa Ana, Thanks for taking the time in giving me your feedback. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. And here I thought it would put people to sleep. LOL!
      Sayonara for now, Michiko

