Monday, 17 September 2012

From Alien Abduction to Military Mind Control

    Ever since I can remember I've always been drawn to the skies, and I've done my share of reading and studying on UFOs and Aliens.  I've also seen my share of UFO's and some objects that were unbelievably unusual. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable on the subject, until I started watching and listening to Dr. Karla Turner's videos and reading her books.  What she had to say just blew me out of the waters! I also realized how little I really knew.  You might be thinking that you heard all this before, and that It's the same crap on the subject  just a different day, but you'd be wrong...WAY WRONG!  Whether or not you believe the stories of Dr. Turner, and others who say they've been abducted, these stories are told by enough people that we should at least keep on open mind, and take a closer look at the phenomena that they've encountered.
  "Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers.  Several of her case studies are now dead.  It seems to me that Dr. Turner hit a lot of nerves in the work that she was doing. She was trying to let people know what was going on.  And I think we need to continue with her work by listening to her videos, and reading her books, and sticking together." 

   I really encourage you to take a look at this website and to also watch Dr. Turner's videos. It took quite a bit of strength and courage for Dr. Karla Turner to talk about what has happened to her and her family, and what is really going on with Aliens, the Government Cover-ups, Military Mind Control and more. What you will hear is pretty intense and unbelievable.  Aliens, UFOs, Mind Control, Military Cover-ups are just a few of the things that Dr. Turner talks about.  We can't keep putting blind folds over our eyes. We need to open them and see things for what and how they really are. The day may come where you will get up and open your blinds to see UFO's staring right back at you.  You might think that's a little far fetched, and maybe it is, but isn't it better to be ready then to be taken by SURPRISE.

   I have encountered (over the years)  my fair share of unusual and remarkable objects in the skies, entities and other outlandish phenomena. I am by no means an expert in this field, but because of my different experiences I see things with open eyes.  I believe it is easier for some people to criticize and be judgmental then to keep an open mind.  The reason being that some are afraid to see the truth, so they lash out by arguing with and putting down the things that they are afraid of or don't understand. I am not saying that there are no hoaxes out there, but that is where an "Open Mind" comes in.  By keeping an "Open Mind" you are better equipped (I believe) at weeding out the fakes and seeing the truth of the matter.
   I believe in God and so does most of this world, yet we have never seen God, but we go on with what we have heard, and on pure simple faith.  So why then is it so hard to believe in Aliens?  We probably have more proof of Aliens, Alien abductions, Government conspiracy, Military Mind Control etc...but we still choose to not believe or ignore what is going on in our own backyard.  
Our universe is endless.  We would be ignorant to think that we were the only ones in this whole universe.  It would also be very sad and scary to think that we are it.

   The link below will take you to some of Dr. Turner's videos.  Take the time and listen to them.  "Open Your Minds" and really hear what Dr. Turner has to say.  There is a saying that goes:  "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas". ~Shoseki.

   Well my friends, that is about all I have to say about that.  Remember we are NOT alone and the truth is out there if one chooses to see it.  Well this is Michiko with my two cents worth.

  " We do not err because truth is difficult to see.  It is visible at a glance.  We err because this is more comfortable. " ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn

dr karla turner and mind control - Yahoo! Video Search

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